Art in the Garden Takes Place Despite Weather Forecast

About 40 people enjoyed porchfest-like music, painting, and poetry performances outside at Open Spirit in Saxonville today despite the threat of rain.

Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


June 24, 2023

About 40 people turned out for outdoor music, painting, and poetry performances outdoors at Open Spirit in Saxonville today despite the threat of rain.

In addition to a local art show indoors in Edwards Hall, performances went on outside on the overhang-protected porch, while most attendees had canopy cover from potential rain. It felt like a “Porchfest Framingham” type of event – although with only one porch.

Art in the Garden featured music, participatory drumming, poetry reading, and creation of a live painting to music as local artist Patrick St. Pierre painted while local musician Willie Sordillo played saxophone. Attendees then got to try their hand creating their own artwork to music on mini-canvases with crayons.

You can find out more about Open Spirit and its upcoming events at the Open Spirit website.

Below: 24-second video snippet of Patrick St. Pierre Painting as Willie Sordillo plays saxophone.

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